27 February 2008

Technical Meeting notes 20-Feb-08


Perk Test research reported. More complicated then originally expected. Perk test must
be done as far away from water source as possible. Contact Dave for full report.
Most important considerations for sanitation:
Perk Test: Materials needed
How in depth of a system do we want to create for sanitation?

To do:
Base workshop on brochure.
exact construction on Spring-box, and maintenance information.
Look into available hand-pumps.
Spring-box schematics must be available to instruct villagers on potential problems that
may occur and how to rectify them.
Box construction:
Screen on intake of pipe. removal system for that?
Lid on spring-box?


Tom Hand Pump:
Dave: Sanitation
Brian: What kind of woods to use and any specifics of wood being used. how o build the
Diaphel: Pro E design. How to put box into ground
Patty: needs designs of springbox and materials and maintenance.

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