28 July 2008

Audio Post: Marina's Day 6 Update

Audio Post: Marina's Day 6 Update

A few additional notes in addition to the above audio post: We don't expect to have telephone or email contact with the team until they return to Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil on Friday evening.

We are pleased that things are progressing nicely. Many thanks to Dr. Vera Reis for her help with logistics, transportation, hospitality, etc. Many thanks to Aloisio for his help with wood selection, construction tips and encouragement.

Best wishes to the team during this hot week of work in the Amazon Forest.

- T. B. Soules, EWB UMass Amazon Project Faculty Advisor


Unknown said...

I'm so happy to see everything is going well!!!
Please send my regards to Vera, and many thanks to her and all that helped!

Anonymous said...


I am a teacher extern at CDM this summer and work next to Julie Gagen. She gave me the link to your blog. What an amazing project! I am hoping to have Julie (and possibly you if you're interested) come to Natick High School and talk about your experiences with Eng. W/o Borders! Thanks!

Suzanna Magnuson
10th Grade Chemistry Teacher
Natick High School