27 September 2008

The Midwest Schools

There were only three chapters in the upper Midwest area that I could find, and only one had info that looked like it would be useful.

This has a huge PDF with tons of information. Most was related to digging wells/drilling, which doesn't seem to be a problem, but starting on page 21 was some information on pumps.

This document has into about water safety. I know water supply is the current goal, but when we get to sanitation this may be useful.

This is actually from a course I'm taking at Hampshire, so it isn't from an EWB website, but I think it may be helpful with the pump project. It has information about pedal-powered pumps, starting around page 12.


02 August 2008

Audio Post - 02 Aug 2008 update

The team has left the forest and is en route to Sao Paulo. The project was a success! Listen to the 5 minute audio post for the detailed news. Congratulations team!

- T. B. Soules, Faculty Advisor

28 July 2008

Audio Post: Marina's Day 6 Update

Audio Post: Marina's Day 6 Update

A few additional notes in addition to the above audio post: We don't expect to have telephone or email contact with the team until they return to Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil on Friday evening.

We are pleased that things are progressing nicely. Many thanks to Dr. Vera Reis for her help with logistics, transportation, hospitality, etc. Many thanks to Aloisio for his help with wood selection, construction tips and encouragement.

Best wishes to the team during this hot week of work in the Amazon Forest.

- T. B. Soules, EWB UMass Amazon Project Faculty Advisor

We're leaving for the forest in a couple hours!

As I type this we're making a few last adjustments to the box, and getting all of our stuff ready to go. Over the weekend we worked almost non-stop on the box - getting the wood, cutting it to size, nailing it all together, and a bunch of other things. We encountered quite a few problems along the way, but we've been able to get past all of them so far.

Last night we went to Expo Acre, a huge fair in Rio Branco. We saw a rodeo and met up with Geazi and his girlfriend (Bebel). They asked "Where's Marc?" and Marina said to say that they wished him congratulations on getting engaged!

Clara, Marina says that Vera is very happy with the toothbrushes and the toys and she knows that it's because of you. Each child in three schools will receive a bag with pencils, a folder, a toothbrush, and a toy.

Here are some more pictures so that you can see what we've been up to:

At Aloisio's wood shop. I really don't know what we would have done without his help.

Jim, Aloisio, Marina, and Colin discussing how to cut the wood.

Starting to build the box.

Colin and Dan.

Vera's house.


26 July 2008


Hi! Marina and I (Johnny) are currently sitting on Vera's couch while we wait for Colin, Jim, Dan, and Vera to come back from the hardware store. Before they left, we all met with a furniture maker in Vera's neighborhood. He spoke to us about the different kinds of wood that are available and whether they would make the water taste weird or not. As we were getting ready to leave, he said, with a huge smile on his face, "I vote for Barack Obama! No McCain! I kick McCain's legs out from under him!" (Dan translated this for me after I heard him say Obama.) It's truly incredible how international Obama is. Although it's amazing that 200,000 people turned out to see him in Germany, I think it's even more amazing that this craftsman in Rio Branco, Brazil (described by another Brazilian as being "in the middle of nowhere") is this familiar with Barack Obama and U.S. politics. It is really fascinating.

Anyway, we thought we'd take this time to post some pictures!

"Today's Goal: Building The Box"


Vera's neighborhood as seen from the car.

Outside Vera's house.

On the way back from meeting with the craftsman. Vera's house is on the left.

Marina preparing the water testing equipment to take into the jungle. You can see all the donations we brought on the bed behind her.

- Johnny

Team Photo at JFK

This team photo was taken at JFK in NYC just before the team boarded the plane for Brazil.

The Team is in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil!

Saturday 26 July 2008

I spoke with Marina this morning. She sounded great - full of energy. The entire team is doing well. They are out buying supplies and will construct their first spring box today. They'll leave Rio Branco for Assis Brasil, Acre, Brazil mid-day Monday. 


25 July 2008

July 2008 Implementation Trip underway

Friday 25 July 2008

I spoke with Dan in Sao Paulo today. The JFK to Sao Paulo trip was fine. They are scheduled to arrive in Rio Branco, the state capital of the state of Acre, late this evening. I will attempt to contact them on Saturday AM.

- Prof. T. B. Soules
EWB UMass Amherst - Amazon Team Faculty Advisor

13 July 2008

Team Prepares for July 24th Departure

The Amazon Project Travel team, comprised of two professionals and three students, are preparing for their 10 day trip into the Brazilian Amazon beginning on 24 July 2008. During this implementation trip, the team will implement improved springboxes which have been designed and prototyped for the community of Assis Brasil. To follow the teams progress while in-country, visit our blog and show your support for the EWB UMass Amazon Project!

10 April 2008

Meeting Notes - 4/9

Implementation Trip Movie – Amanda and Johnny

Diaphel needs to email Pro/E drawings to gmail account

Tom – harvesting Brazil nuts can assist rubber tappers economically. It’s common for rubber tappers to harvest and sell the nuts.

Brian designed procedure for constructing springbox.

Tom and Brian are submitting a summary of the local resources.

Brazil Night
- Diaphel got portable toilet for Brazil Night - $60 delivery/pickup
- We have – DJ, Barn
- We don’t have - Food

• Kayaking Trip ($75)
• 1 hour massage ($40)
• 4 Movie Passes ($20)
• Broadside Book shop gift certificate ($15)
• Skera Gallery ($10)
• iTunes ($25)
• Happy Valley ($30)
• African Recycled Plate ($20)
• Einstein/DaVinci ($20)
• Wool Scarf Knitting Kit ($12)
• Running Kit ($25)
• Custom Welcome Sign ($20)
• EWB Spring Cleaning (3 hours / 7 people)

Fundraising Trips
• Tuesday morning (4/15) 10am – 12pm
• Wednesday afternoon (4/16) 2 – 4pm
• Friday afternoon (4/18) 12 – 3pm

Wednesday April 23
• Meeting at Craft Center to make decorations

08 April 2008

Meeting Notes - 4/2

Sorry it took me so long to post these...

Seattle Conference

Café Solar
  • help coffee-producing countries in Central America produce coffee more sustainably and affordably
  • Café Solar sells the coffee these countries produce and uses the money to further assist the people
need to economically develop communities in need, so that they can provide themselves with the capacity to get out of poverty
  • view them as customers rather than charity cases – focus on creating wealth as opposed to eradicating poverty
May 3rd – Brazil Night
  • need to do more fundraising
  • currently only have 10-12 items
  • Dr. Ergas donated Kayak Trip for Two with Gourmet Lunch
  • Caitlin working on invitations for professors
  • Julie working with Western Mass Professional Chapter
  • Johnny going to see barn on Saturday and will send estimate of numbers of round and long tables to Luzia
  • Luzia contacted a table/chair rental place who offered to donate the tables/chairs for free, but we have to provide transportation
  • We’re going to Northampton this Saturday to do more fundraising. We will be meeting in Perrell at 1:00. All are encouraged to come.
  • Johnny and Amanda will be working on the video, which will be presented at the event.
  • Dave and Tom are working on contacting food places.
Things left to do:
  • set up teams (tiki torches, tables/chairs, items)
  • group to go get the food right before the event
  • donation baskets/posters (for small items)
  • non-alcoholic drinks
  • MANY other things
Implementation Report due April 20
Plans for trip:
  • implementation of two new springboxes
  • water testing
  • education component (pamphlet)
  • new health assessment (re-evaluate the community’s needs)
Economic aspect
  • possibility of helping community to sell their brazil nuts in order to make a profit (along the lines of wealth promotion rather than pure charity)

26 March 2008

Brazil Night -quick meeting

This Saturday at 1PM, Theda, Dan, Clara, Caitlin and Colin will be going to Noho for more donation requests. We already have some stuff from last time( which we'll combine into small packages), but we're looking for some big ticket items, if there's anything you can contribute with, like your family's timeshare, please let us know!

-Dan has finished the brochure which will be printed soon. He's almost done with the fliers- those will be on display at the Engineering video screens. Lorraine Robideaux is printing a blurb about the event at the faculty newsletter.
-Theda has kindly volunteered to contact local radios and papers (ie. WMUA and the Advocate) about an announcement of the event.
-Caitlin is going to design invitations so we can target faculty across campus.
-The week of the event we will plaster fliers across town and selected places.

We are getting our things together so next week we can act. It is VITAL that everyone has their tasks done by next week so contracts and/or tax deduction forms can be filled out. Here is a reminder of what needs to be done:
Theda- Contact Papers/radio stations, jewelry update.
Caitlin- Brazil Night invitations, flight tickets.
Tom- tax deduction paper to Noho business, implementation report section on pumps.
Johnny-decorations, implementation report section, finish company list and send to Marc.
David- food, contact Noho companies.
Dan- finish flier, brochure.
Brian/Luzia- research tables+ chairs.
Patty- call businesses.
Amanda- work on video.
Diaphel- call businesses on list, bertuccis kid!, pro-e modeling.

Have a good weekend,


06 March 2008

Meeting Notes - 3/5

Brazil Night

  • we need a creative, awesome, cool, catchy name for this event that “lets people know that they’re helping Brazilians with their water, and is clever at the same time”
  • Thoughts??
  • Tom and Dave - list of local caterers – call and find out price
  • Clara - DJ
  • Prof. Soules will be making a fun Brazil trivia game
  • we need items for the silent auction
  • when asking businesses for items, include that the audience will be professors – lets them know that it will be good marketing
  • Brazilian cooked dinner
  • In home massage (Greenfield Community College)
  • Big Y/Stop & Shop gift card
  • free/discount tickets (STA travel)
  • free Gym Membership (Gold’s Gym)
  • free concert tickets (Calvin Theater)
  • 1 year pass to UMass sports
  • local restaurants
  • local theaters (Amherst Cinema, Pleasant St. Theater)
  • Six Flags
  • Springfield Symphony
  • Hall of Fame
  • Brazilian Jewelry
- We're going to split the places that we ask for donations between Amazon Project and Kenya Project
- Barn probably holds around 20 8-foot tables

27 February 2008

Meeting Notes - 2/27

Miscellaneous Updates:
- T-Shirts are finally being ordered
- We can get an item from the RSO fund
- We are considering a video camera…thoughts?
- Marc, Dave, Johnny, and Tom will be designing a poster for the international conference

Brazil Night – May 3rd
• fundraising party in Jim Duda’s barn
• everyone needs to come!
• Tasks
- Chairs/Tables Rental/Donation – Brian/Luzia
- Entertainment – Clara/Marc
- Port-a-potty – Diaphel/Colin
- Food – Tom/Dave
- Decorations – Johnny/Caitling
- Invitation/Flyers design/write-up – Dan/Constantine
• we need a band/dj – if anyone knows anyone someone who would be willing to donate their time, that would be great!
• We will be holding a silent auction at the event
- Saturday March 8 we will be going gift soliciting to local area businesses – please come!

SAMBA Carnaval
– March 7 – Student Union Ballroom 7pm – 1am
• Brazilian party – it will be fun!
• We will have a table there

Technical Meeting notes 20-Feb-08


Perk Test research reported. More complicated then originally expected. Perk test must
be done as far away from water source as possible. Contact Dave for full report.
Most important considerations for sanitation:
Perk Test: Materials needed
How in depth of a system do we want to create for sanitation?

To do:
Base workshop on brochure.
exact construction on Spring-box, and maintenance information.
Look into available hand-pumps.
Spring-box schematics must be available to instruct villagers on potential problems that
may occur and how to rectify them.
Box construction:
Screen on intake of pipe. removal system for that?
Lid on spring-box?


Tom Hand Pump:
Dave: Sanitation
Brian: What kind of woods to use and any specifics of wood being used. how o build the
Diaphel: Pro E design. How to put box into ground
Patty: needs designs of springbox and materials and maintenance.

25 February 2008

Barn Event

Hello Amazon Project Members.

At our last social meeting we talked about the "Barn Event," which will happen on the evening of May 3rd, targeting Umass faculty (cover $10). The event will be comprised of Entertainment, food, and a silent auction. to make it happen we will need EVERYONE'S help.
Here are things the tasks to be assigned next meeting:
-Gift solicitation
- Entertainment
- Port-a-potty
-gift description
-Party set up
-Clean up/serving
-Alcohol permit

Fundraising for the project=happy people in the Amazon!

21 February 2008


We have been selling jewerly to raise money. If you or any one you know would like to buy some please let Theda know at Thedasilverpell@gmail.com. Also let us know if you can arrange a showing to a group of friends or family members. 100% of the profit goes to the Amazon Project!

Party Planning


The social/cultural group will be meeting on Monday February 21st. at the Library's procrastination station at 5:15 PM to brainstorm our next BIG fundraiser: The Barn Party. We need a lot of people to help plan this even so please show up!

If you have any questions please email Clara at claracalado@gmail.com

15 February 2008

Meeting Notes 06-Feb-2008


  • Clara is now Fundraising Chair for our project only
  • We still have a significant amount to fundraise, including $3000 of remaining debt
  • Over break, we received a grant from the Ludlow Rotary for $500


  • We have a tentative technical report that will be sent to the village soon for review
  • We have designed a modified version of the villages’ springbox system that uses a hand pump to retrieve the water, allowing the spring to remain covered
  • The villagers will be instructed to keep livestock away from the springs
  • If you are interested in traveling, please fill out an application for travel.
  • Maureen Flanagan scholarship available to help with travel expenses
  • Applicants must fill out a proposal for travel
Social Projects
Health Assessment Caitlin
Work-Shop Layout/ Materials Amanda, Patty

New Amazon Project Blog Clara
New Brochure Dan
Video Footage Amanda
Big Semester event coordinators Luzia, Constantina
Plane Tickets/ Visas Marc
Brazilian Jewelry Sales Theda

Technical Projects

Pro-E/CAD model of spring box Diaphel, David, Johnny
“Low Head” Hand Pumps Tom, Colin
Actual box design/wooden materials Colin, Brian, Johnny
Pathogen removal from soil research Dr. Ergas, Brian
Water Tests – which ones for trip/procedure of disinfection/one pager Johnny, Marina, Dr. Ergas
Sanitation System testing for trip David

While working on these projects, please send updates to ewb.amazonproject@gmail.com before next meeting

14 February 2008

NEW Amazon Project Blog!

Hello all, this is the new location for information reguarding the Amazon Project. It is currently underconstuction.